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Day 2: A song you like with a number in the title

So you know how I said certain songs and artist are correlated to certain people I know in day 1? Well this song reminds me of raph. EVERYTIME we play this song we sing like we just got our hearts broken the day before. I remember the day I heard this album too. I was in the car with my god mother and she just copped the album. We were either coming from or going to the pool that's irrelevant but I do know that all we listened to that day was that 4 album. From the title to the actual song it's so beautiful. The title is so simple but means so much once you know the lyrics. I love how different this song is with the rock influences in it. & them lyrics are crazy passionate. I feel them EVERYTIME!!!!! I listen to this song. This will forever be a favorite.

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