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Day 13: One of your favorite 70's song

I thought that I was going to be bored with this post cause I'm like I don't remember ALL the songs from the 70's. But then I googled R&B songs from the 70's and saw a list of music I grew up on. Marvin Gaye is at the top and off rip made this decision harder than it needed to be. I kept scrolling and I see Al Green, Michael Jackson etc. but what really caught my eye was them Temptations. I grew up on their movie. My god mother loved that movie and literally watched it every time that I went to her house. The temptations and their music just might be the reason I started to love music. I actually tweeted that the other day cause the movie was on. But I was like 10 years old listening to MAD Temptations I remember my dad bought me like a boxset with all of their music on it. I was different, I know. But my favorite Temptations songs came out in the 60's. Its called You're my everything. So I went back to the list and peeped Midnight Train to Georgia by Gladys Knight and the Pips. This is one of those love songs you can really feel. She is saying that she will alter her whole world to be with the man she loves so he can pursue his dream. I feel like thats an important aspect of any relationship. Being able to be selfless and put somebody else before you put yourself. Another reason I love this song and most songs from this decade is because they use to sing to people and about love. It wasn't always about sex and drugs. They made being in love cool in my opinion. Thats all I think about when I hear this song. Will someone ever love me enough to pursue this music shit with me?

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