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Day 14: A song that you would love played at your wedding

I don't EVER plan on getting married lets be clear on that lol. But lets say I lost a bet or something I found my everything by Mary J Blige is that song I want played. This was a no brainer. This song to me is the epitome of love. It's very soulful and the lyrics coming from her is a breath of fresh air. Its not the normal Mary J you'd expect either. She took a risk with this whole album but this song specifically. Its not your typical R&B song but it works. In addition, I think this is one her best display of vocals on any song she's ever sung. It shows range she's hitting notes a lot of people don't think she can hit. I'm here to tell you she can hit them. She just been doing for over two decades she's tired. Any way shorty says "I leave the ground when I look in your eyes." Like when was the last time ya'll left the ground? This song is especially special because Mary is known for being sad and when she found someone she loved and was flaunting him this song put the cherry on top for me. This whole album is GREAT btw. Fun fact she took home three Grammy's that night. This song also reminds of Kayla cause she loves this song. she sends it to me when she listens to it and we discuss it like its our first time hearing this song. I believe a good song should spark conversation.

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