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Day 15: A song that is a cover by another artist

I want to start day 15 by saying that I love covers, if they're done correctly. This is one of them. I love covers because they bridge the gap between generations. They also breathe new life into a song. Lastly they show the original artist appreciation for their song. I have multiple covers that I love and can be here all day. But I choose Do Me Baby because this is the most recent one that I added and I keep playing. This song is about sex. More specifically its about the few stages prior to actually having sex. she's describing how she wants to be done, and why. I knew of this song just forgot it. I was reintroduced to this song one day at work. I was driving the truck and Do Me Baby came on the radio. Raph was there so of course she hyped it and got me started. So after adding it I decided to do a little research. Not only is this a cover of Prince song but the two songs are only five years apart. It made me wonder how popular was Prince's version that it got covered so quickly. I don't have a favorite between the two either. They're both so good and offer something different to the track vocally. I do know that it needs to be added to the sex playlist. You know the playlist you need when you wanna get right.

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