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Day 19: A song that makes you think about life

This might've been the easiest day ever because I've always turned to this song when life just doesn't seem to be fulfilling anymore. This song has gotten me through mad shit and continues to do so to this day. I'm at a point in my life where everything is filled with uncertainly. My future being the main thing. More specifically college, my career, relationships etc. Its lowkey a lot to deal with but again music is my religion, my drug, & first love. So I not only turn to this album (which is my favorite) but to this song specifically. I love the production of this song but the lyrics is what really resonates with me. "When you're feeling down you should never fake it" I live by that. I hate pretending like shit is alright so you will see it on my face. Maybe that's just a Bronx thing but anyway this song helps me to continue going. It literally guides me through my day. I find peace of mind when listening to this. That's why I am forever grateful for this album!

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