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Daniel Caesar: Freudian

This album is dumb good. It's a mellow mood throughout the whole album that sends you into a relaxing trans. No matter what's going on around me when this album is on I'm focused on it. I didn't know what to expect before it came out and I also didn't expect to like it so much. I was a fan since "get you" that song is so powerful yet minimal at the same time. It felt like he was breathing new life into R&B. Which I love if its done right. Everything in life needs to evolve and grow to survive and music is no exception to that rule. So I'm here for it with this album. My favorite song from this album is "blessed" & "best part" idk about y'all but I'm in love with the idea of love but not fully prepared for what it brings but this album makes me want to get married. I digress. I love that he's singing about love and relationships. I also love that its not just about fucking bitches, drugs, money, and violence. Lastly I love that I see myself in certain songs he sing. I can relate. I am more comfortable with anything relatable. I'm thinking about seeing him in concert because I feel like this album live would be outstanding.

Sidenote: I was ode happy to hear "Blessed" in the last episode of Insecure. When Issa imagined that her and Lawrence got married.

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